Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Dress

So 2011 is officially gone . . . hallelujah!  2011 was my test and so far, I probably have a C-.  It's been a difficult year.  Not really complaining, but difficult things far outweighed the good ones.  I won't go into all of them because those of you who know me just know.

Last night was New Year's Eve, and everyone was festive.  Everyone but me.  We spent the time at a dear friend's house, and believe me, they are some of the best friends a girl could have, but without my mom, nothing feels right.

I just couldn't get myself in the festive mood.  Maybe if I had gotten dressed up and gone out to a fabulous party with dancing and crowds and music and champagne, there might have been a slight chance I could have gotten lost in it.  I could have even worn "the dress."

Let me tell you about the "the dress."  This dress a links my mom, me, and my daughters.  Do you remember flapper dresses?  Well, I don't think anyone actually was around when they were popular, or if you were, you probably don't know how to use a computer (sorry ... just trying to make myself chuckle a little).  Well, in my closet hangs a black flapper mini-dress.  It was made in the 1960's and doesn't even have a real size - I think it is Size B, whatever that means.  It is a simple black dress with layers and layers of black fringe and bands glittering black sequins and spaghetti sequin straps.  Putting it on makes you feel quite sexy or flirty or whimsical, just plain happy.  You want to twirl and dance to Chubby Checker's "The Twist" or shimmy to "The Charleston."  It makes you feel like a Dr. Suess character or a Tim Burton siren!

So what is special about this dress?  My mom and I had lots of talks about "the dress."  She said she wore it to a Halloween party one year in the 1960's, and to top it off, my dad was Dracula (bet that was one crazy shindig!).  What amazes me is that my mom ever fit into that dress.  She has always been overweight, but I cannot even remember her ever being that size.  Heck, I don't even know if I can fit into the dress anymore, but I'm gonna try (I'll try to post a picture if I can squeeze myself into it!).  I bet my mom was gorgeous that night!  She always dyed her hair Elvis-black back in the day, and she wore cat-rimmed glasses with faux diamonds, dark thick eyeliner, and the fire-engine red lipstick.  I'm pretty sure she was wearing black patent leather high-heels, too, when she went to that party.  Oh, if I could just see a snapshot of that long-ago magical moment . . .

I've worn the dress to a Halloween party, too (on a few occasions when I could stuff myself into it).  I, too, wore high heels and black fishnet stockings and even a sequined band around my head with a few feathers and strands of sparkling beads hanging low!  For a moment, I felt my mom and the fun she had when she wore that dress.

Meghann has worn the dress for Halloween.  I have pictures somewhere, and I plan to scan and post them.  She was a natural in that dress - always hamming it up for the camera.  Exaggerated makeup, cute bob, and those pouty brown eyes . . . she looked liked she had jumped out of another era.  She was only about 10 when she wore it, so she will have to don the dress as an adult for some special occasion!

I don't think Kristen has worn the dress to a Halloween party yet, but we owe it to my mom that she does.  Kristen would look stunning in it because of her height and her flair for fashion.  She might even wear some of the dangling earrings that my mom loved to hang from her ears!  Blingy and glitzy and even gaudy are some appropriate adjectives to describe my mom's style, and each of us have taken a little cue from her (have you seen the picture of my Miss Me Jeans from Buckle with rows of sequins on the butt?)  Pictures are coming . .

Yes, it's just a dress.  But it ties us all together in a way that is unique.  My mom is gone, but her legacy lives on in me, my daughters, and all the family and friends whose lives she touched.  "The dress" is our link forever.

Maybe my New Year's Resolution should be to slim down to do that dress justice and just paint the town "red" or "black" one special night as a tribute to my mom.  The only catch - she'd be mad that she wasn't there with me!

Goodbye 2011. . . 2012 . . . please be kind.


  1. Cherish all these memories & make new ones with your daughters. Wish I had tangible momemto's.

  2. Loved reading your blog, I have been praying for you, I am so lucky to still have my Mom, I actually went home to Louisiana especially to see her last week,,she had a rough last half of 2011 fractured some vertebrae due to osteoporosis, can't repair surgically, lost 50 pounds, needless to say I needed to go see her. She is on the mend and making big changes in her life downsizing and simplifying...but my Dad, I lost suddenly back in 2001 to a massive heart attack, I made it back home to see him about 10 hours after getting the news, that was the longest drive of my life, thru the night, dreaming of how I would help him thru cardiac rehab etc, unfortunately when I got to the hospital at 4 am, exhausted only to find that he suffered a massive brain hemorrhage due to the anticoagulation drugs given to aleve the possible heart attack, I was devastated to say the least...I was "Daddy's girl" the middle of three daughters...I wish I could tell you that the pain will go away, but it does lessen with time...memories are awesome and keep him alive for me, also trying to life my life the way that would make him proud, also knowing that God is in control and trusting Him...please start coming back to TNC, I know it's hard when you haven't been in awhile..but I would love to go with you, as you know my girls have chosen to reside with their father as of last May, so they go with me every other weekend, but the other Sun. I go alone...I know that my father would not have wanted to be here to experience 911 or watch me go thru breast cancer not only once, but now for the rest of my life, so I am thankful that he did not have to endure this...I know that the wound is open and fresh right now but it will heal in time...hang in there, you are in my thoughts and prayers always, I think I might like to read that book "Not my mother" that you my work I am surrounded with so many people that are going thru so much pain and suffering but their willingness to fight and due battle with cancer is always encouraging to me and helps me put my struggles in perspective...I too am asking for your prayers as I have to go thru more radiation in the next week, maybe 4th time is the charm...I have a new peace about me as this year approaches in accepting my illness and other things that have happened to me over the last and my Dad had a special bond that no other can ever replace, but I cherish it and am lucky to have it...I love the black dress and can't wait to see you in it...BTW Adam, you know my son,is finally marrying Lauren, we think the date might be in late May, I would love to see you in that black dress for the reception, he will more than likely be the only one of my 3 children that I get to experience this with, so to say that I am thrilled is an understatement...sorry the post is so long, thought I might start my own blog, as I seem to like to send these long thoughts lately..hugs to you think about what I said about TNC, it is a great place to feel God's you Mel

  3. Melanie,

    Beautiful and uplifting. I can feel your pain and I understand that drive you took to LA. I only had to drive to Aiken, but it seemed like forever. I kept hoping on the way there that I would not get the news that she had passed. Well, she had not passed, but she was brain-dead from lack of oxygen to her brain, so she was gone. I cannot even imagine what you are going through with cancer on top of all the heartache you have experienced. You are one helluva strong woman (sorry but that is the only word that fits!!). I think you would give the devil himself a run for his money! Keep being strong and keep being yourself and keep being my friend. I love you for your encouragement and support. You are beautiful. <3
