Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Me and Belle

I was dreading going back to school today, but I attempted to put on a brave face because that's what grown-ups do, right?  As I was heading out the door, I noticed a horrible smell.  I looked over and saw my poor little Taco lying in his own "sickness."  Just laying there, helpless.  I had to go to work, and I just couldn't handle it.  I called for David, and he came downstairs to take care of Taco.  

Later in the day, I got a call from David, which I missed because I still had students.  When I could, I texted him back to ask about Taco.  David replied, "He's gone."  I dialed David's number and he picked up.  I could tell he had been crying.  He told me about how the vet said Taco was one sick little dog, and of course, they both made the decision to put him to sleep.  The vet asked David if he wanted to be in there.  Well, no one wants to see an animal die, but if you have a dog or a cat who has become a part of your family, there is no hesitation.  Out of love, you hold that pet and stroke its head or cuddle its body while his life slowly ebbs away.  David did that for Taco today and for me.

Now Belle (Taco's other half - Taco & Belle - get it?) and I are grieving together.  She is tinier than Taco, and right now she seems so frail.  Taco and Belle were two halves of a whole.  Wherever you saw Taco, Belle wasn't far away.  So Belle is grieving along with me.  We have lost our best friends.  The only solace I take is knowing Taco is not sick anymore, and he is a young pup in Heaven.  I smile when I think he is there to take care of my mom, the faithful lapdog that he was.

It might seem strange or even silly to some people that a human can get so attached to a dog or a cat or a bird or any other type of pet, but I believe God places animals in our lives to teach us about ourselves.  Taco taught me about aspects of myself that I didn't know existed because before I had him, I'd never had a house dog.  He brought me comfort, happiness, and laughter.  I will miss his furry little body perched in my lap, under the covers while I read or search the internet or watch TV.    

My mom was a huge animal lover also.  She had three pets when she died - Andy (a rescue dog), Lulu (her 60th birthday present), and Dude (a slightly offbeat cat).  As she had no children in her house, her pets became her children.  She even cooked for them and hand-fed them.  It's strange because the last week of her life, I was driving by her house on the way to the nursing home, and I asked her if she wanted me to stop by her house to see Andy and Lulu and Dude.  Sadly, she said no because it would be to hard.  If only we had known . . .

So Belle and I will grieve together, and oddly enough, we will go through this healing process together.  Yes, God places animals in our lives for a purpose.  He knew.

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